• my practice


    Occur virtually over HIPPA compliant software and last 50 minutes.

    Fees and Insurance

    Sessions run $135/session for individuals, $145 for couples. A limited number of sliding scale spots are available by request. I am an in-network provider for Premera insurance. Please include your plan ID and date of birth to verify your coverage.

    What to expect

    The therapeutic container aims to be a space of exploration and playfulness as we move through a reaarange our identities towards a fulfilling wholeness. In the beginning, we might feel anything but playful. We'll work with dreams, stories, history, and trends in your relationships. We will find the places in you that are frozen, fawning, and angry. We'll create safety and allow you to experiment with emotions heretofore alienated from your experience. At whatever pace feels appropriate, we'll work together to help you create a life you can be present for and relationships worthy of whole-heartedness.

    With reverence for,

    My practice rests on the ancestral lands of the Swinomish and Coast Salish people. I am affirming of all faith, sexuality, and gender identities. I work with couples in non-traditional relationships.